Carrier Command 2 - v1.5.7 - The Rebalance Update

Sep 26, 2024

Dear Players,

Some members of the Grim Reapers Naval Ops community kindly gave their time to compiling detailed rebalance and requested change feedback. As always, we are reviewing player feedback (particularly that submitted via the issue tracker!) and thought to implement several of the requested changes.

Thankyou to the Grim Reapers and all the players who have given their feedback and helped make the game better. The naval simulation community is a tight group and a great set of people, and its a real pleasure to be making one of your games.

We are buffing a bunch of stuff that was difficult to utilize. The sonic pulse countermeasure system has range extended to be 4x larger. External fuel tanks are now much larger. Ship fuel capacity is now much larger. CIWS ammo capacity is up. Stuff like that.

We are also doing some minor rebalances to what stuff is included in a starting load out. There are many changes here which would require a huge spreadsheet to explain, so if this is of interest, jump into a game and see what is included in your loadout of choice.

Missiles are now more dangerous with a larger explosive radius and higher velocity, but AA missiles are also easier to avoid with the tracking warning being displayed much earlier, giving much more chance to react.

Mules are now more versitile as they can now rearm each other as well as helicopters, making for a useful mobile helicopter refuelling base if this is required. This change, alongside the increased external fuel capacity, makes helicopters much more versatile and specialist.

Please check out the patch notes below and let us know your feedback on these new changes!

A quick shout out to an upcoming game -Sea Powerisn't a game by us (Geometa) but is also published by Microprose and is a game I am personally looking forward to very much.

Much love <3,

The Carrier Command Developers


Rework - buffed sonic pulse generator
Rework - increased capacity of external fuel tank
Rework - increased ammo capacity of vehicle mounted CIWS
Rework - increased speed of missiles
Rework - barge blueprint unlocked by default
Rework - rebalanced starting loadouts
Rework - rebalanced item inventory weights
Rework - new team colors and reordered colors to match colors on UI
Rework - missiles now have larger explosion radius
Rework - increased fuel capacity of ships
Rework - mules can now supply nearby helicopters and other mules
Rework - missile track warning now alerts with incoming missile within 1000m rather than 200m